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  • Have you ever imagined participating in a survival course completely immersed in the forest? Learn from qualified instructors with extensive knowledge on the subject? Yes, it is possible.

    Choose the weekend that suits you best. The course lasts 56 hours, starting on Friday at 1 pm and ending at 6 pm on Sunday.

  • Each course requires a certain type of material.

    The basics require more materials, as it is a course with a more robust workload and being a beginner event, we have to adapt students little by little to the world of survival.

    The intermediate course has much less materials, usually just 10 items.

    The advanced course is limited to 1 item and is held over 2 weekends.

    The master is already aimed at salt water and also on 2 weekends. There are normally no released items.

  • The courses are aimed at the general public and people of both sexes, over 14 years old. Families are welcome...

  • We grow more in our motivation when we are positively challenged.
    Our work, our routine, our gyms, etc. are not enough challenges for us not to make new efforts or change our behavior patterns. When we are challenged, it is natural to rise to the occasion, as long as we have enough knowledge.
    We always try to prove that we can jump over any obstacles put in front of us.
    But to reap the satisfaction of having a victory in the end, it is essential to have knowledge and experience.
    These victories may be hard to come by and we may fail on our way, but that's exactly how we develop the resilience that keeps us motivated and striving for what's next.
    We may even be self-taught, but nothing replaces a forest survival course.

How to proceed?



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