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The course lasts 3 days, totaling over 60 hours of immersion in the forest.
Starts at 9am on Friday and ends at 6pm on Sunday.

This course is aimed at students who passed the basic survival course conducted solely and exclusively by VRB.
It is a course focused on displacement.
That's when we realize that the rescue methods were not effective and we can only go out in search of help.
There is no right time to go out into the woods looking for help or signs of human presence.
Therefore, this course will unravel some mysteries of tracking, analysis and interpretation of signs of human presence, the use of compass, GPS/GNSS and maps (topographical charts) and much more.
There is no course like this out there.

.: Course grid:.
6a f:
- Reception and inspection of materials;
- Compasses;
- Maps and topographic maps;
- Radios and emergency communications;
- Contact and treatment with indigenous people and local people;
- Slaughtering techniques;
- Infiltration into the forest.

- Dawn and breakfast;
- Wooden and artisanal weapons;
- Precision weapons;
- Long and short firearms;
- Night reflex action shooting;
- Basketry and natural fibers;
- Night sensitivity: filters and lights;

- Screening: theory and practice;
- PCP rifles;
- Minimalism;
- GPS track and compass;
- Demobilization; It is
- Briefing;


No one came to save you? I need to go looking for help, what should I do? This course is for you to find solutions to this problem...

We are located in Serra da Cantareira.
Do not enter the address on Google maps or Waze as the house numbers are random.
Search viaradicalbrasil or adrenapaintball 1 field*Vietnam* (attention there are 3 paintball fields).
We are at Avenida Coronel Sezefredo Fagundes 28000, 2km ahead of Núcleo do Engordador.

Payments must be made in full by the week before the course.
It is mandatory to reserve the place with an advance deposit of 300.00 reais. This amount will be deducted from the final cost of this course.
Course price: R$ 1,190.00 upfront or in 3 installments of 400.00 reais, with entry (reserving a place immediately).
We accept cards, deposit and pix.

Required materials vary from one course to another. But what is certain is that they are much less in quantity than the basic ones. Normally, they range from 8 to 10 items including the clothes on their backs or that all of them fit into a bamboo mug or something similar up to 20 cm high. Equipment or material restrictions are based on food, fuel, seasoning, and hygiene.

There are more than 60 hours of total immersion in the forest.
Few items released.
Clothes on your body and shoes count as items.
There are 10 paying participants for the course to take place.
Discount for VRB members.
We have a shop on site and can rent equipment if needed.
Pay in advance and we have billing options.
There is on-site parking and a canteen.
Insurance included in the price.
Certification and patch upon completion.
This course does not have an assessment (test).
Mandatory signature of the terms of use of image and responsibility.

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